
       Est 1994, Sydney's oldest tourism website


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Distance between Australian
cities and driving time taken


Airport Tranfers/Shuttle Service by bus for a quick, relaxing, direct and inexpensive trip between Sydney Airport and your hotel, or to any address in the city. Book in advance. Competitively priced to your hotel door.


Australia is roughly the size of continental USA but with a population of greater Los Angeles with most of that population located on the eastern sea board. So be prepared for long distances across open country with little population in-between.


Looking to:



Distance in kilometres


Location Adel Alice Bris Cairns Canb Darwin Melb Perth Syd
Adelaide - 1533 2044 3143 1204 3042 728 2725 1427
Alice 1533 - 3100 2500 2680 1489 2270 3630 2850
Brisbane 2044 3100 - 1718 1268 3415 1669 4384 1010
Cairns 3143 2500 1718 - 2922 3100 3387 5954 2730
Canberra 1204 2680 1268 2922 - 3917 647 3911 288
Darwin 3042 1489 3415 3100 3917 - 4045 4250 3991
Melbourne 728 2270 1669 3387 647 4045 - 3430 963
Perth 2725 3630 4384 5954 3911 4250 3430 - 4110
Sydney 1427 2850 1010 2730 288 3991 963 4110 -


Time taken in hours by road


Location Adel Alice Bris Cairns Canb Darwin Melb Perth Syd
Adelaide - 16 23 38 16 24 9 30 14
Alice 16 - 37 30 32 18 24 40 32
Brisbane 23 37 - 21 16 44 19 53 11
Cairns 38 30 21 - 35 37 40 75 32
Canberra 16 32 16 35 - 43 7 43 3
Darwin 24 18 44 37 43 - 55 49 43
Melbourne 9 24 19 40 7 55 - 39 9
Perth 30 40 53 75 43 49 39 - 44
Sydney 15 32 11 32 3 43 9 44 -


Please note that times and distances are approximations and will vary depending upon road conditions and time of year. It is suggested that you should check with local authorities before travelling in remote areas. (Multiply by 0.621 for Mile equivalent).